1.1. General

The "Planetary Carbon Standard" (PCS) is founded on the following principles, each of which is comprehensively explicated to ensure a clear understanding of the same. These principles enable a meticulous approach to meeting the requirements outlined in the standard, ensuring that the greenhouse gas (GHG) information provided is accurate and reasonable.

1.2. Relevance

All applicable and appropriate data sources are used to quantify, monitor, or estimate GHG sources.

1.3. Completeness

All sources within the project’s boundaries are considered within an identified source category.

1.4. Consistency

Emission calculations for each source are calculated uniformly. If more accurate procedures and methodologies become available, documentation should be provided to justify the changes and show that all other principles are upheld.

1.5. Accuracy

All measurements and estimates need to be presented, in an unbiased manner as much as is practical. In instances, where sufficient accuracy is not possible or practical, measurements and estimates should be used while maintaining the principle of conservativeness.

1.6. Transparency

All information about GHG should be presented in an open, clear, factual, neutral, and coherent manner that facilitates independent review. All assumptions are stated clearly and explicitly, and all calculation methodologies and background material are referenced.

1.7. Conservativeness

Appropriate parameters affecting the sources are utilized in the calculation of the GHG Assertion. In instances where parameters or data sources are highly uncertain, the choice of a specific parameter, data source, or estimated or default value to be utilized, results in an overestimation of the GHG Assertion.

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