1.1. Background
SavePlanetEarth (SPE) is a global organization with branches worldwide and engaged in programs to sequester carbon through accelerated “Afforestation” and “Reforestation” initiatives with the mission of removing excess carbon in the atmosphere. With the vast practical experience gained in the carbon field, SPE believes in the necessity of developing an “easy to access Carbon Standard” to promote carbon-based projects in the world, especially those related to Afforestation and Reforestation. SPE considers the importance of promoting “small-scale Projects” as they have a wider impact on removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
A multi-disciplinary well experienced technical team was given the task of developing a technological version of carbon standards. The outcome of that task is the “Planetary Carbon Standard-PCS”. SPE believes that this standard facilitates carbon sequestration, especially the small-scale projects coming under the purview of the Afforestation and Reforestation sector yet handicapped from outreach into the carbon offset activities due to constraints.
1.2. The Purpose
The purpose of the “Planetary Carbon Standard” (PCS) is to indicate the requirements for the quantification, monitoring, and reporting of forest carbon project-based emissions reductions and removals; verification, and issuance of “Verified Emission Reductions” (VERs). Any Afforestation and Reforestation project that intends to be registered under PCS, requires that the project proponent fulfils the conditions specified in this standard. Due registration is the first step of the project kick-off-cycle, which would ensure the project is verified for the consideration of issuance of Verified Emission Reductions (VERs) which may be tradable for the voluntary and pre-compliance carbon markets.
Moreover, the standard explains each requirement using simple and easy-to-understand language to enable interested parties to develop high-quality forest-based projects as well as identified emission reduction and offsetting projects, enabling the reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels that has wide scope to minimize the impact of global warming.
The standard specifies the generic requirements and therefore it can be applied to any afforestation and reforestation project irrespective of its size, technology, or location that will self-adjust and fit into the project concerned.
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